READING EVENT 12: The Booklovers’ Workshop & Literary Salon II

By Whistler Writers Festival (other events)

Saturday, October 14 2017 4:30 PM 6:00 PM PST

The Literary Salon is designed especially for book lovers and book clubs who crave frank and enlightening discussion about reading. JJ Lee will lead a provocative conversation with author Doug Saunders, on how to get the most out of a book discussion. Participants and book clubs are encouraged to read Saunders’s latest book Maximum Canada: Why 35 Million Canadians are Not Enough, to fully engage in dialogue and discussion. Visit your local bookseller (we’re a huge fan of indie bookstore Armchair Books in Whistler) or online stores to get your copy. This session includes a glass of wine to sip during this stirring literary salon.

Moderator: JJ Lee 

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Whistler BC V8E 0L3